This summer my uncle showed me a book that is very precious to him. It is a photo collection from Norwegian missionaries to China between 1918 and 1949.The book is written in English and Chinese.
His uncle, that means also my mother's uncle, was a missionary with the Norwegian Lutheran Free Church from 1922.
My uncle lent me the book to show my mother. She has often talked about her uncle Jakob who went to China.

Those days missionaries did not arrive to the field by airplane...

One year later,in 1923, Jakob's financée Marta arrived, and they got married.

Marta and Jakob Kvalsvik to the right. He was my grandfather's brother.
Unfortunately Jakob got tuberculosis after a couple of years and had to go back to Norway, where he died.
Marta and Jakob Kvalsvik got only a short time to work for the Lord in China, but the seed they and other missionaries sowed in the Chinese people's heart, did bear fruit.
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